Administration and Reporting

Reports: what reports to monitor for SAP Concur


There are 2 reports that Finance offices recieve bi weekly and weekly on Mondays these are the (Pcard Aged reports)

If you need to update the distribution list for the automatically generated reports please send an email to

These  reports contain all purchase card transactions not submitted and not assigned to a report.

Updated PCard Aged reports combined WITHOUT TOTALS or MERGED FIELDS. Updated Jan 5th 2023

  • PCard Aged report Unsub&UnassignG&S 30-day
  • Pcard Aged REport Unsub&UnassignTravel 60-day

The G&S reports are scheduled to run weekly on Friday evening,  *we did this so they would be available and in everyone's inbox Monday mornings. 

The Travel reports are scheduled to run Biweekly on Friday evenings. 

These reports were designed to make it easy for business areas to copy and paste any unsubmitted reports or unassigned transactions to the individual departments. 

There are Monthly reports that are sent out to Finance Office. 

  • Expenses paid prior Month
  • Purchase Card Requests approved prior month
  • All Cash advances issued but not reconciled 


Pcard and Cardholder Status Review in Power BI (not sent out monthly)

This report allows you to see the status of the employee and the status of the purchasing card. 

When an employee leaves the university their Purchasing card should be reviewed.  Are they keeping the card and need to transfer to a new Business Area/Dept, or should it be cancelled?

Please review this report monthly,  enter and submit an SAP Concur requests to cancel the purchasing cards when needed or enter a Department Transfer Re org when needed to update the card. 


Did you know that you can review reports Pending Approval in SAP Concur?

Use the Process Reports screen in SAP Concur to create a search for reports submitted in the last 60 days you can make that number any number you want 60, 90,365. Use the directions below in the Expense Processor Tool Guide section. Create a search for Reports submitted last 60 days  The search results from within the Process reports screen are sortable and can be exported to Excel. Sort by Approval Status so you can see Pending Approval. 


Expense Processor Tool Guide

Instructions for using the Expense processor to lookup reports based on SIMBA posting data 

Instructions and examples creating Expense Processor Query Searches


SAP Concur Approver Roles and other admininstration functions


SAP Concur Approver Roles in IIQ


Workflow Approval Paths


Financial Posting Errors


User Administration/Employee Maintenance Tool Guide

Instructions for using this tool to add or edit delegates and edit expense preferences for employees.


Delegate For tab

Steps for using the Delegate For tab to add multiple delegators to a delegate's profile in one window using the User Administration tool.

Add Submit Rights for a Delegate

Steps for assigning submit rights to an expense delegate using the User Administration tool.